Author: staff


By BLAINE ROCHE Staff Writer From after and before, The black orb sprouted thin legs  And strode through the frozen gate. The bound serpents hissed and pulled Against their silvered[Read More…]

Good Times

By: BRIANNA RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer When it comes to good times in this world we all get very excited and we’re filled with excitement. We look forward to these events[Read More…]


By: BRIANNA RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer When it comes to music, we all have our favorite songs. Depending on our favorite songs we love them because they make us think of[Read More…]


By STEVIE WEBER Staff Writer    It was as if I was the source of the quaking of the earth.  It rumbled beneath me as I sped faster and faster, the[Read More…]

My Love

by BRINLEE VUOLA Staff Writer When you hear the word love, What comes to mind? For some, it’s reciprocated, For some, it’s blind. What is love to me? Why, I[Read More…]

Proud Of Myself

By JULIAUNNA HAUENSTEIN Staff Writer  What I will be writing about is my 4.0. Lately, I have been very proud and just simply happy because I have an A in[Read More…]