Author: staff


By: BRIANNA RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer Now I know what you’re thinking, how could this world be full of hatred and violence? Well the answer to that question would be we[Read More…]


By TOBIAS NAVARROStaff Writer What if we lived in a world where children were never taken seriously and the adults didn’t care enough to listen? Let’s say a child goes[Read More…]

Apple Watch

By KYRA HASH Staff Writer Apple watches are loved for their convenience; however, they are more useful than you would think. Series 4 or later Apple watches have a feature[Read More…]

The Camp Fire

By ELAINA WEST Staff Writer  The one year anniversary of the tragic Northern CA Camp Fire is coming up on November 8th. The Camp Fire was named after Camp Creek,[Read More…]


By ANGELICA GONZALES Staff Writer You left me with horrendous mental memories Of what you’d do behind closed doors I can still feel the pain deep down within my pores[Read More…]