By: JUSTIN ONEAL Staff writer After recently finishing All Of Us Are Dead and Alice In Borderland, I wanted to explore more K-dramas. That’s when I watch the trailer of[Read More…]
Showing Our School Spirit
By: MCKENNA ABBISSStaff Writer As the football season comes to an end, we have some exciting games coming up. This week on October 14th we have our game against Mt.[Read More…]
Coalinga Water Loss
By HOLDEN BENEVENTOStaff Writer Coalinga, a spot in California close to Kettleman City, is about to run out of water. It is said that in two months it will be[Read More…]
Making Money Off Murderers
By: TANIA OLIVARES Staff Writer Stop making shows about serial killers! For as long as I can remember people have been making or creating shows about real-life serial killers for[Read More…]
The Fugitive
By: JORDAN RUBIO Staff Writer The Fugitive is an exciting drama/action film from the 90s. This film is one of those movies that they would put on T.V. on Saturdays[Read More…]
Varsity Waterpolo Girls in Arroyo Grande Tournament
By: KAMBRIA PRADO Staff Writer This past week, our varsity water polo girl’s team left town on Thursday, October 6th, to go compete in the annual Arroyo Grande tournament. It[Read More…]
Premier League Standings
By BECKHAM YBARRA Staff Writer This is the time of the year when the true champions emerge from the teams who truly want this title. In fifth place is Man[Read More…]
Meatless Monday Dish (Eggplant Dal)
By: ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ Staff Writer Got 40 minutes? Try this delicious meatless Eggplant Dal dish! Ingredients: Preparation:
Toxicity Album Review
BY CHAD BOSWELL Staff Writer On September 4th, 2001 System of a Down released their most popular record titled “Toxicity”. This album is one of the most iconic metal albums[Read More…]
Mr. Caffee is on Campus!
By LANDON RAINS Staff Writer “Carpe diem” is Mr. Caffee’s slogan for his classes. That slogan is something all students of his class should use in their everyday lives because[Read More…]