
College Applications Season

By: KAMBRIA PRADO  Staff Writer  Beginning October 1st, many college resources have opened up for applicants. California State applications have now been opened up for submissions, as well as University[Read More…]

Movie Review: Mean Girls

By: TANIA OLIVARES Staff Writer Release Date: April 30, 2004  Genre: Comedy/Teen Pg-13  Director: Mark Waters  This movie has always been one of my all-time favorites. It’s a classic that[Read More…]

MLB Standings

BECKHAM YBARRA Staff Writer  In the American League East, the Yankees have clutched the division with 96 wins and 59 losses. The Yankees have 9 more wins than the Blue[Read More…]

Disney Movie Review

By: ALISHA VASQUEZ Staff Writer 6/10 Aladdin is an okay movie. The beginning of the movie starts off fast-paced. Towards the middle, the movie starts to pick up its pace.[Read More…]