By: Kambria Prado Staff Writer This past weekend El Diamante hosted a water polo tournament on campus with many high schools attending. The first team our water polo boys faced[Read More…]
Book Review: Just What Kind of Mother Are You?
By: MOLLY RIDENOUR Staff Writer In Paula Daly’s debut book, “Just What Kind of Mother Are You?”, a gut-wrenching, suspense-driven novel, we follow the story of a mother’s worst nightmare.[Read More…]
Skyline Trail
By: MORGAN PHILLIPE Staff Writer One of my favorite things to do with my free time is going on hikes. My favorite place to hike is at Skyline which is[Read More…]
Reviewing Art- The Creation of Adam
By: JESSICA RHOADES Staff Writer The Creation of Adam (La creazione di Adamo in Italian) is a Fresco (mural) painting by the Italian artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, known[Read More…]
Elvis: An Honest Film Review
By: Ernesto Morales Staff Writer Rate: 9/10 Before I watched this film the only time I had ever heard or seen Elvis was either in Las Vegas or because of[Read More…]
Reviewing Art
By: JESSICA RHOADES Staff Writer Today’s piece is Vincent Van Gogh’s most popular piece, The Starry Night. It was made in June of 1889 in Saint-Remy-De-Provence, France. In the aftermath[Read More…]
First League Game Victory for Our Varsity Girls Waterpolo
By: KAMBRIA PRADO Staff Writer This past Thursday, September 22nd, our water polo teams faced Porterville high school at our home pool. As it was an important game for all[Read More…]
Yellow Ribbon Week
By: MADISON GARCIA Staff Writer Next week is suicide awareness and yellow ribbon week. At El Diamante, we will be wearing yellow next week in support of awareness on the[Read More…]
Puerto Rico Hurricane Fiona
BY NEVAEHA CRISP Staff Writer In Puerto Rico, there was a massive hurricane called the ¨Hurricane Fiona¨ that finished Puerto Rico and is leading towards Bermuda, and by Friday may[Read More…]
How to Make Cookie Monster Cookies
BY: NICK SENN Staff Writer Ingredients: Instructions: