

By JADYN RIVAS Staff writer Summer is coming up fast. A lot of fun and exciting things to do over the summer. Travel, hang out with friends, go swimming and[Read More…]

Raising Arizona

By: JORDAN RUBIO Staff Writer Raising Arizona is a comedy/crime film that made its debut in 1987. This film cost about 5.5 million dollars to make and ended up grossing[Read More…]

Special Olympics

By: MADISON GARCIA Staff Writer This Friday, April 26th the special education class will be participating in the Special Olympics. The students will be competing in different track and field[Read More…]

9 Tips For Prom

By JACKELIN GOMEZ Staff Writer  1. Schedule Appointments ahead of time 2. Manage your money carefully  3. Use two pairs of shoes, one for the dance/picture, one for after  4.[Read More…]