Things to do When You Aare Bored By: KAITLYN PADILLA Staff Writer
Bubbles (2022) Animated Film Review: Is It Worth The Watch?
By: JUSTIN ONEAL Staff Writer Bubble is a 2022 Japanese animated post-apocalyptic film produced by Wit Studio. directed by Tetsuro Araki; known best for his work on The Attack on[Read More…]
CAST Testing
BY DANIELLE GIANNANDREA Staff Writer Why do high school students have to take the CAST test if it does not affect their futures? As seniors, how we perform on the[Read More…]
El Diamante’s Swim & Dive Team’s First Win of League
By: KAMBRIA PRADO Staff Writer This Thursday, March 23rd, our swim and dive team headed over to Monache high school to compete in their second meet of the league season.[Read More…]
Protein is Essential in Your Diet
By ANDREW MILLS Staff Writer Protein is a big part of a person’s diet as it serves to build and repair muscles and bones. Protein can also be used as[Read More…]
The impact Vivienne Westwood Had on Fashion (part two)
By ALFREDO MENDOZA Staff Writer Pirates She released her first true collection for Autumn/Winter in 1981 called “Pirates”. This was pushing the idea of romanticism in the early 80s. It[Read More…]
The impact Vivienne Westwood Had on Fashion (part one)
By ALFREDO MENDOZA Staff Writer Societal Norms Fight Back (And Loose) Vivienne at this point was a storm to be reckoned with. She introduced punk into the mainstream, pushed boundaries,[Read More…]
Miner Baseball Dedicates Game to El D Alum Patrick Jones
BY: NICK SENN Staff Writer Yesterday afternoon we held a ceremony before our game to honor a fallen firefighter and El Diamante Alum, Patrick Jones. Patrick Jones attended El Diamante[Read More…]
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
By: JORDAN RUBIO Staff Writer Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a fantasy film that made its debut in 2001. This film cost about 93 million[Read More…]
Martha’s Vineyard
By: MATTIE SPINK Staff Writer This upcoming Saturday, March 25th, DHHSC Fresno Headquarters will host an event called Martha’s Vineyard. DHHSC stands for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center.[Read More…]