By JOYCE PARK Staff Writer Here are some updates on our school : Attention All Miners! College T-shirt Tuesday! -Support the College Application season by wearing a College t-shirt to[Read More…]
Subway’s Bread is NOT Bread
By LESLEY MARROQUIN Staff Writer Subway’s bread is NOT bread…. according to an Irish court. First off, the reason this topic was the subject of a court case is because[Read More…]
Sailing on Starlight
By COLLIN SMITH Staff Writer As futuristic as it sounds it has already been used in much smaller scales. So what is it, sailing via starlight is very similar in[Read More…]
Quarantine Halloween Night
By EMMILY SANDOVAL PEREZ Staff Writer As the year continues to come to an end, so does my hope for humanity. The corona virus situation should have been solved the[Read More…]
The Golden Ticket
By JAYDEN SANCHEZ-CAMPBELL Staff Writer A man in Oregon by the name of Christopher Sargent forgets about a life changing lottery ticket that sat in his wallet for over a[Read More…]
New Caledonia’s Referendum
By GARRET ROBINSON Staff Writer Recently, New Caledonia, a French overseas territory, held a referendum on whether they should become an independent nation or not, and they rejected independence from[Read More…]
Trump Got COVID
By DANY RAMOS CANAS Staff Writer On October 2nd 2020 at 2:38 AM EDT, we as a nation received some shocking news. The President, Donald J. Trump and First Lady[Read More…]
Jail Employees Made Inmates Listening to “Baby Shark” for Punishment
By JACOB LOPEZ Staff Writer Three Former jail employees are currently facing criminal charges due to handcuffing inmates and making them hear “baby shark”. Christian Miles and Gregory Butler former[Read More…]
Changes Following First Presidential Debate
By ABBY GROFF Staff Writer On September 29, 2020 America witnessed a disastrous first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. It was a rocky night[Read More…]
Autumn Recipes
By SHAYLEE DENHAM Staff Writer Fall is the time of the year where people consume an ungodly amount of pumpkin spice and coffee. Coffee shops and bakeries alike add new[Read More…]