
Looking for the Light

By TREVIN BRANDT  Staff Writer With little warning or any time to process, the school year was vigorously chopped in half last year by the infamous Coronavirus that has become[Read More…]

Motivational Speaker

By JASMYN BEMBOOM   Staff Writer  People often ask what’s motivation? What gets you motivated? Lots of things can get you motivated, you just have to have the right mindset to[Read More…]

A Massacre

By ALEKHYA RAJASEKARAN  Staff Writer  I walked out of my room one morning and saw the bloodbath in front of me. Bodies were lying face up, their bulging eyes seemingly[Read More…]

My Interview of Mr. Evans

By FAITH SIMON        Staff Writer Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Evans, our new AP United States history teacher. This is his seventh year of teaching. Previously he[Read More…]